Sunday, September 22, 2019

YDEV Ideology

For this I post I decided that it would be best to start off by describing which YDEV philosophy’s I resonate with. I remember doing an ideology inventory previously but don’t remember my outcome.  I’m curious to see if my ideologies have changed over time with my experience and newfound knowledge.
My inventory was interesting because Positive and Social Justice YDEV were tied as my most dominate with a total of 9. Where my Civic and Risk Prevention YDEV where 19 and 22 respectively and I see that’s a big difference in numbers.  I think its important to know what style suits you and which is an area you need to work on. Although the numbers were surprising, I do agree with the beliefs from both of my ideologies. My reflections will reflect how I feel and connect to the text with both ideologies in mine. The text I have chose to read and reflect on is Principles of Youth Development by Stephen F. Hamilton, Mary Agnes, and Karen Pittman.